新普京娱乐场(澳门)官方网站-Macau Bellwether


Aliases :P salt, nitroso diaminoplatin
Cas No: 14286-02-3
Molecular formula: Pt (NH3)2(NO2)2
Molecular weight: 321.23
Appearance: white crystal

Application scope:

Plating reagents

    Dinitrodiaminoplatin, white powder, insoluble in cold water, soluble in hot water, soluble in ammonia. There are cis and trans geometric isomers. Cis-dinitrodiaminoplatin was produced by the interaction of cis-dinitrodiaminoplatin with sodium nitrite saturated solution acidified by acetic acid. Trans-dichlorinated diaminoplatin reacts with sodium nitrite saturated solution to produce trans-dinitroso diaminoplatin. Electroplating reagents: 1. Common reagents for platinum plating in cyanide free electroplating, resulting in a coating with high hardness and small resistance, which can be welded; 2. Platinum plating on the surface of electronic components; 3.The product can be crystallized to obtain the corresponding P salt crystal. Storage: dry and sealed at room temperature. 

P&C parameters

Pt content ,wt%
CAS no.
Molecular formula
The molecular weight
Iron (Fe) content
The density of
Impurity content